Sunday, October 29, 2017

Aprons are for Working

There are a lot of kinds of aprons....

Grandma's apron
Cookies and home made noodles!

There are cooking aprons...
Grilled steak and plated masterpieces.

Both functional and just plain fun!
Sunday dinner

Work aprons are usually heavy, made of leather or sturdy canvas to prevent injury to the wearer.
Woodwork and metalwork

Little aprons for waitresses...
Blue-plate special for Table 4!

And aprons that are serious about protection!
Chemicals and burns

But there's one thing all these aprons have in common. Protecting the wearer while work is being done. Protection and work.

Those of my readers who have been through the LDS temple know that another kind of apron is worn there. It is also for protection while labor is being done. A different kind of protection, and a different kind of labor, but protection and labor nonetheless.